Hi Gang!
Just back from Port Elliot. What a wonderful weekend. Didn't want to come back. Went whale watching with some exchange teacher friends. It was an interesting group-2
Canucks, 2
POMs and 1
aussie. Excellent food, conversation and time spent at the beach. It was just what I needed-the first sunny weekend in MONTHS. The area around Port Elliot is a popular nursery and breeding ground for whales. Apparently there are over 45 species of whales and dolphins seen in Australian waters. The most common seen off the coast in SA is the Southern Right Whale. This time of year they mate and give birth in the protective bays of the
Fleurieu Peninsula. We went to Horseshoe Bay and
Basham Beach.
Basham Beach was the lucky spot this weekend as we saw several seals
frolicking and then we saw the whales! I saw a mom and her calf playing and then I saw 2 more whales in the water. We left the beach area and went out to the point for a different view. It was amazing! I loved seeing them blow from their blowholes. I could see the tails and pecs as well as the big bodies swimming along. They were a sight to behold! I did try to take some photos but I think all I got was the odd black blob-I need a real zoom
lens. I still haven't figured out how to get the pictures sorted on my computer but am working on it. Good tech support is hard to find.
Those of you who contact me via my
hotmail account I am sad to say I can no longer access it. Not sure what is going on there. I will ask my techie when I see her next. Sorry Wanda I can't access the addresses either.
hmm. I am half way through term 3. I can not believe how quickly the time is passing-I must be having fun! I suppose you all are feeling that way about summer. I hope things are going well for all my teacher friends getting ready for a new school year. Lots of love and hugs to you all!
G'Day eh!