Foot prints

Foot prints
Come follow my adventures in OZ.......

Wines I have tried in OZ

  • Borassa Valley Estates SParkling Shiraz-a lovely red champgne styled bubbly. Don't you just love bubbly? This one was a gift from Amelia, Alicia and Carley. Great choice gals!
  • Killawarra Klassic Premium Brut
  • Jansz Tasmania Premium Non Vintage Cuvee-so far my fav white bubbly.
  • Banrock Station Good Earth Fine Wine Sparkling Shiraz-A fun bubbly red.No I will not drink it for breakfast!
  • Carrington Vintage Brut 2008 Special Cuvee-bubbly! I love bubbly, except right after creme caramel.
  • Thorn Clark Sandpipper Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon-Had this one at the Central market-not sure if was the very good company or the wine but I enjoyed them both-thanks Jo and John!
  • Fools Bay "Dirty Bliss" Grenache Shiraz - delightful solid red
  • Cleggett IIIawarra Block Shiraz 2006-Another winner!
  • Cleggett White Cabernet Sauvignon 2008-AMAZING!!! look this one up at
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Cabernet Shiraz-haven't tried this one yet -will let you know when I do
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Crisp Dry White-yes it is
  • Stanley Cabernet Merlot - my current house wine-a soft red
  • Lindemans Cawarra Cabernet Merlot 2008- a bit oaky
  • Lindemans Cawarrra Porphyry -sweet white-almost too sweet, even for moi

Tim Tam Tracker

Here are the Tim Tam's I have tried:
Original Tim Tam's
Blackforrest Tim Tam's
Caramel Tim Tam's
White Tim Tam's-my new personal favourite!
Creme Caramel-from the "sweet surender" line, OMG!
Hazelnut Mousse-from the "sweet surender" line as well. Not as good as Creme Caramel but still tasty.
Classic Dark Chocolate- yummy!
Double Chocolate Crunch-from the crush line.Nice.
Honeycomb-from the crush line. Sweet. Very.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all my Canadian friends,

I hope you are enjoying the fall harvests. I think I can detect the faint aroma of turkey wafting in my direction. I am indeed alive and well having just returned from the Great barrier Reef and one of the most wonderful adventures ever. It would seem I have clogged(like the technical term???) my computer with pictures. Heck I had so much fun figuring out how to get them on that I am not sure how to get them off! I then attempted to drown my waterproof camera and it stopped working. Some of you may recall the fiasco with the cell phone in the washer. I did think about baking my camera at 250 for 3 hours but not in a gas oven. I had another brain wave instead and took the silicon cylinder out of my medication bottle and placed it and the water logged camera in a ziplock bag. It was simply too humid in Cairnes and also in Bali(that's another story) but when I returned to the drier climes of Adelaide, low and behold the camera started to work again. YES. See I am not just another pretty face.

I just tried something on my work computer and look at that-3 freezing friends in front of Aires Rock. Yes it was the day of the coldest recorded daytime temperature EVER there. It was a high of 6 degrees C. We had been told it would be in the mid 20's during the day. Yes it did rain (only 3% of the folks who see Aires Rock see it in the rain) and I was lucky that my tent DID NOT leak. Heck I am Canadian and I can handle just about anything. I really enjoyed the spiritual feeling of this area. Now that I know I can do this I will write more later. My computer is not 100% either so be patient if you are emailing me or try my gmail address. Life is moving at 100mph at the moment. I have 9 weeks left and places to go and things to do yet!

Many thanks for all the birthday greetings. I did miss my annual fete with my friends and my Mandy birthday cake but I did manage some Morton Bay Bugs(google it) compliments of my friend Jenn. Ok I have to run. I will catch up L8R.

lots of love and hugs from downunder,

G'day eh!



  1. Glad to see your latest post. Hope your able to get pictures up to show. Your time is getting short down there and it must be very bittersweet.

    If you have any other misfortunes with cell or camera and water try this: submerge the cell/camera in dry, raw rice for a day or so. Some friends of mine have done this and it worked for them.

    I was in our Superstore last week and I actually saw a package of Tim Tams! Now I know how addictive they can be. I've had a package of caramel ones and now chocolate. Yum!

    Looking forward to your next post.


  2. Bern! We have been wondering how things were going!! I'm so pleased to see new posts! Our To Do List is entirely finished for the Fall. We may (or may not) paint the foundation in the spring... now that we have the deck on the front of the house, I don't think we actually need to paint the foundation - things look just fine. Eventually I'll have a garden at the front edge of the garage - not this year or next very likely.

    The leaves have lost many of their leaves and yesterday Bazza and I went for a walk without a toque. Bazza's ball cap kept blowing off, and I found the wind to be very cold. We were going to walk along Prince Street to the tracks, but that open bit was too windy - so we turned around and came back up the hill. (Such an exciting life!)

    I painted faces yesterday at the Hub Bub - and that was fun. It was a good day, but quite busy! Thank heavens it is only for the morning! (Til 1:30 - so not too bad.)

    Do you remember the Amish Double Wedding Ring course that Vicky Vanderlinden ran a few years ago? The one that I signed up for and then discovered was a hand piecing course? I needed something to carry with me to a quilting thing - and I pulled the box of pieces out from the Quilt Studio - and it is nearly done.

    It has paper pieced cornerstones and I had to reteach myself how to do those, and it is only a wall hanging - it'll probably be about 3 1/2 feet square when it is done. I think it is really pretty. I have 7 more cornerstones to make and sew in, and one more ring to put on. I'm actually enjoying the hand piecing (I used to enjoy it when that was all I knew...)

    Anyway, there's my scintillating news! Take care you!!!

    Your forever friend
