Foot prints

Foot prints
Come follow my adventures in OZ.......

Wines I have tried in OZ

  • Borassa Valley Estates SParkling Shiraz-a lovely red champgne styled bubbly. Don't you just love bubbly? This one was a gift from Amelia, Alicia and Carley. Great choice gals!
  • Killawarra Klassic Premium Brut
  • Jansz Tasmania Premium Non Vintage Cuvee-so far my fav white bubbly.
  • Banrock Station Good Earth Fine Wine Sparkling Shiraz-A fun bubbly red.No I will not drink it for breakfast!
  • Carrington Vintage Brut 2008 Special Cuvee-bubbly! I love bubbly, except right after creme caramel.
  • Thorn Clark Sandpipper Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon-Had this one at the Central market-not sure if was the very good company or the wine but I enjoyed them both-thanks Jo and John!
  • Fools Bay "Dirty Bliss" Grenache Shiraz - delightful solid red
  • Cleggett IIIawarra Block Shiraz 2006-Another winner!
  • Cleggett White Cabernet Sauvignon 2008-AMAZING!!! look this one up at
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Cabernet Shiraz-haven't tried this one yet -will let you know when I do
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Crisp Dry White-yes it is
  • Stanley Cabernet Merlot - my current house wine-a soft red
  • Lindemans Cawarra Cabernet Merlot 2008- a bit oaky
  • Lindemans Cawarrra Porphyry -sweet white-almost too sweet, even for moi

Tim Tam Tracker

Here are the Tim Tam's I have tried:
Original Tim Tam's
Blackforrest Tim Tam's
Caramel Tim Tam's
White Tim Tam's-my new personal favourite!
Creme Caramel-from the "sweet surender" line, OMG!
Hazelnut Mousse-from the "sweet surender" line as well. Not as good as Creme Caramel but still tasty.
Classic Dark Chocolate- yummy!
Double Chocolate Crunch-from the crush line.Nice.
Honeycomb-from the crush line. Sweet. Very.

Monday, June 7, 2010

To all my teacher friends.........

I too am up to my eyeballs in report cards-seems a bit strange in a way. Winter is indeed upon us here in Adelaide. Yesterday was the coldest day so far at 14.3. Brr. It's the lack of central heat and dampness that is the problem. I have actually had socks on for an entire week! As your school year comes to a close I will be envious of your long summer holiday. Think of me and raise a glass on Canada Day. I will be thinking of you all........

I have discovered a new thing. Bed socks. Warm woolies that you wear to bed if you don't have a personal foot warmer. You all know how much I LOVE wearing socks but I thought I would give this a try. I am also wearing the beautiful and warm CANADA hoodie my daughter brought me to bed. I am a vision of loveliness at bedtime. Tee hee. Almost as lovely as my flannel jamies back home that I wish I had brought with me. I often go outside at lunchtime to sit in the sun and thaw. I really must have a warm heart as I always seem to have to cold hands these days. My new leggings are working great for the bike ride to work. I feel a winter solstice party coming on soon.

OK this is NOT getting my report cards done. Thanks for helping distract me Yvonne. Congrats on your gr 5 next year too! Happy summer everyone!!!!!
G'day eh!
love and miss you,

PS Jane I can picture your new yard too! Great job on getting all the inside stuff done. Now you will be bale to enjoy the ourdoor time. BTW I will update the quilt pics as soon as I get some more done on it. Now a days I am too tired and cold from school. Besides I have that new addicition-Masterchef Australia.


  1. Hey Bern! It was great to talk with you this morning/night (depending on where you were during the conversation!) I am all inspired now to head down to my new quilt studio and DO these Friendship blocks for the round robin. I will send you a picture when I am done!
    I'm glad to hear that you are going on a field trip - that will be fun!! Have a great time. I'll talk with you soon!
    Love you!

  2. Oh and I can hardly wait to see the quilt pictures!!!
    Bazza had to go downstairs but he was glad to talk with you!
