Foot prints

Foot prints
Come follow my adventures in OZ.......

Wines I have tried in OZ

  • Borassa Valley Estates SParkling Shiraz-a lovely red champgne styled bubbly. Don't you just love bubbly? This one was a gift from Amelia, Alicia and Carley. Great choice gals!
  • Killawarra Klassic Premium Brut
  • Jansz Tasmania Premium Non Vintage Cuvee-so far my fav white bubbly.
  • Banrock Station Good Earth Fine Wine Sparkling Shiraz-A fun bubbly red.No I will not drink it for breakfast!
  • Carrington Vintage Brut 2008 Special Cuvee-bubbly! I love bubbly, except right after creme caramel.
  • Thorn Clark Sandpipper Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon-Had this one at the Central market-not sure if was the very good company or the wine but I enjoyed them both-thanks Jo and John!
  • Fools Bay "Dirty Bliss" Grenache Shiraz - delightful solid red
  • Cleggett IIIawarra Block Shiraz 2006-Another winner!
  • Cleggett White Cabernet Sauvignon 2008-AMAZING!!! look this one up at
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Cabernet Shiraz-haven't tried this one yet -will let you know when I do
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Crisp Dry White-yes it is
  • Stanley Cabernet Merlot - my current house wine-a soft red
  • Lindemans Cawarra Cabernet Merlot 2008- a bit oaky
  • Lindemans Cawarrra Porphyry -sweet white-almost too sweet, even for moi

Tim Tam Tracker

Here are the Tim Tam's I have tried:
Original Tim Tam's
Blackforrest Tim Tam's
Caramel Tim Tam's
White Tim Tam's-my new personal favourite!
Creme Caramel-from the "sweet surender" line, OMG!
Hazelnut Mousse-from the "sweet surender" line as well. Not as good as Creme Caramel but still tasty.
Classic Dark Chocolate- yummy!
Double Chocolate Crunch-from the crush line.Nice.
Honeycomb-from the crush line. Sweet. Very.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dec is tomorrow

Hi Gang!
Dec 2010 will happen in about 2 hours from now. How can that be? Where has the time gone? I have been busier than you can imagine. I must be having fun. I am still trying to find the perfect sunset on the perfect beach. I need all the vitamin D I can get. There I go demanding beach again.

I co hosted a Can-Aussie feast last Sat night to say thank you to some of the folks who have fed and entertained me during my stay. It was a sit down dinner and I think a good time was had by all. I will miss my Aussie mates. They are a fabulous group of people.(almost as nice as maritimers but with a funnier accent) It has been an AMAZING year. I would like to thank all of you for your support and encouragement and friendship. You nourish me. I am looking forward to seeing you all again-soon. As you get ready for the bustle of the holiday season be sure to take care of your selves.

Monday, November 8, 2010

November News

Hi gang,

I am alive and well and living in Australia. Things have got a bit hectic lately as I discovered I am running out of time. I have also discovered I can not post pics from that brick building any longer-not sure why. The pics are still cloging my computer and I am hoping to find a teenager to help me out really soon to get them off. I will have to see what I can do with them later. So sorry. Those of you who really want to see them will just have to come over to my place on January 26-or there abouts to help me celebrate Australia Day. I may not be able to put anything on the barbie-they actually eat prawns here not shrimp but I may be able to whip up a pavlova or find some Tim Tams. I may not be able to find red bubbles but I am certain there is a shiraz or two waiting for me at the LCBO. I have started the dreaded REPORT CARDS. They are the same on any continent. I am trying to jam in as much as I can before this adventure is over. Next weekend is the Christmas Pageant (BIG parade) and I am having dinner at Parliment house later in the week with the MP for this region. The time is flying by and I am having HEAPS of fun. I sure am going to miss my little possums and all the fab mates. I feel crook just thinking about it. Hope you are all well!
G'day eh!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

wild side pics

More to come! GDay-eh!

A Walk on the Wild Side

My new friend Jenn had a thing about seeing crocodiles. We did see plenty. I was so surprised the first night we arrived in Darwin and went to the Mindle Night Market (they had to have it at night because it was too hot during the day) and there was this BEAUTIFUL sunset at the harbour. It looked like 1000 people on the beach in the sweltering heat and not a soul in the water. Apparently that had something to do with the port authorities pulling 159 crocs from the harbour so far this year(this was in July). Once you hear the snap of a croc's jaws you get a very clear picture. Some of the crocs in these pics were part of the croc feeding boat tour on the Adelaide River. Other pics were random crocs and I wasn't sure if they had been fed or not............

Monday, October 18, 2010

Darwin and surrounds

Hi All,
I just thought you might find some of these photos interesting. I was aware at all times that danger was lurking behind every corner, bush and tree. The croc infested waters were scary. All my aussie mates had warned me about swimming or going in, on, or near the water. It was like the conversation I had with Amelia before I left. I was NOT about to ask the crocs if they were freshies or salties. Salties eat people. Supposedly freshies don't. No thanks. I just stayed in the boat and kept my hands and feet pulled in. I saw several crocs. They certainly look like relics from the days of the dinos. The trip to the North End included Kakadu, Katherine Gorge and Lietchfield Park. All amazing and different.

The senery here was very different from the dessert. I must say I loved the colours of the dessert. It was in the NT that we saw some amazing sites with aboriginal wall paintings and art on the rocks. The 32 degree heat was a lot warmer than the 6 degree daytime temp of Alice Aprings.

Jenn and I really enjoyed our hikes through the national parks in the top end.

I will see if I can find more pics.
G'Day eh.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all my Canadian friends,

I hope you are enjoying the fall harvests. I think I can detect the faint aroma of turkey wafting in my direction. I am indeed alive and well having just returned from the Great barrier Reef and one of the most wonderful adventures ever. It would seem I have clogged(like the technical term???) my computer with pictures. Heck I had so much fun figuring out how to get them on that I am not sure how to get them off! I then attempted to drown my waterproof camera and it stopped working. Some of you may recall the fiasco with the cell phone in the washer. I did think about baking my camera at 250 for 3 hours but not in a gas oven. I had another brain wave instead and took the silicon cylinder out of my medication bottle and placed it and the water logged camera in a ziplock bag. It was simply too humid in Cairnes and also in Bali(that's another story) but when I returned to the drier climes of Adelaide, low and behold the camera started to work again. YES. See I am not just another pretty face.

I just tried something on my work computer and look at that-3 freezing friends in front of Aires Rock. Yes it was the day of the coldest recorded daytime temperature EVER there. It was a high of 6 degrees C. We had been told it would be in the mid 20's during the day. Yes it did rain (only 3% of the folks who see Aires Rock see it in the rain) and I was lucky that my tent DID NOT leak. Heck I am Canadian and I can handle just about anything. I really enjoyed the spiritual feeling of this area. Now that I know I can do this I will write more later. My computer is not 100% either so be patient if you are emailing me or try my gmail address. Life is moving at 100mph at the moment. I have 9 weeks left and places to go and things to do yet!

Many thanks for all the birthday greetings. I did miss my annual fete with my friends and my Mandy birthday cake but I did manage some Morton Bay Bugs(google it) compliments of my friend Jenn. Ok I have to run. I will catch up L8R.

lots of love and hugs from downunder,

G'day eh!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Whale of a Tale

Hi Gang!
Just back from Port Elliot. What a wonderful weekend. Didn't want to come back. Went whale watching with some exchange teacher friends. It was an interesting group-2 Canucks, 2 POMs and 1 aussie. Excellent food, conversation and time spent at the beach. It was just what I needed-the first sunny weekend in MONTHS. The area around Port Elliot is a popular nursery and breeding ground for whales. Apparently there are over 45 species of whales and dolphins seen in Australian waters. The most common seen off the coast in SA is the Southern Right Whale. This time of year they mate and give birth in the protective bays of the Fleurieu Peninsula. We went to Horseshoe Bay and Basham Beach. Basham Beach was the lucky spot this weekend as we saw several seals frolicking and then we saw the whales! I saw a mom and her calf playing and then I saw 2 more whales in the water. We left the beach area and went out to the point for a different view. It was amazing! I loved seeing them blow from their blowholes. I could see the tails and pecs as well as the big bodies swimming along. They were a sight to behold! I did try to take some photos but I think all I got was the odd black blob-I need a real zoom lens. I still haven't figured out how to get the pictures sorted on my computer but am working on it. Good tech support is hard to find.

Those of you who contact me via my hotmail account I am sad to say I can no longer access it. Not sure what is going on there. I will ask my techie when I see her next. Sorry Wanda I can't access the addresses either. hmm. I am half way through term 3. I can not believe how quickly the time is passing-I must be having fun! I suppose you all are feeling that way about summer. I hope things are going well for all my teacher friends getting ready for a new school year. Lots of love and hugs to you all!
G'Day eh!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Not that I am a name dropper....

BUT look at me and Jenn rubbing elbows with world renowned children's author Mem Fox!!!! I saw a poster at my local library that Mem was speaking at the Marion Cultural Center and I was able to get tickets to a sold out event. When I finally made it to the front of the line to have some books signed I told Mem that I had come all the way from Canada to meet her. She laughed and asked me why I was really here in South Australia. I reluctantly confessed that I was here on exchange. We had a lovely chat. She is funny, enthusiastic and very down to earth. It was an honor and a pleasure to meet her. Thank you Mary Cox for introducing me to her books!

I am having some technical difficulties with my computer. It would seem that I don't understand it. As soon as I become enlightened I will post my Uluru, Central Oz and Darwin shots. It was a great trip. I saw wild camels, wild brumbies, dingos, crocks and birds of all sorts. It was just like being a part of a National Geographic Film.

I am still freezing and wearing my wool socks to bed. The almond trees are in blossom so hopefully spring is just around the corner. I have started a yoga class on Friday nights-the perfect way to end the week. Two hours of yoga and then home to bed. I am starting a wine appreciation class this Wed. I am signing up for the City to Bay Fun Run. Since you all know there is nothing fun about running it goes without saying that I will be walking. I have a bit of a Tim Tam tummy to walk off so I have started training.

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer. Lots of love and hugs to you all,
G'Day eh!

PS Sue D-the soup was a big hit with the staff-I even had fresh cilantro that I am growing on my window ledge for it. Yum! Thanks !

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Winter Holidays

Hi Gang,
I am back from my latest adventure to central Oz and the Top End-Darwin. It was a busy hectic 2 weeks. I think I may need a vacation from my vacation. The flight home at 2:30 am arriving at 6:00 am did not help my energy levels any at all. I went for a long walk on the beach today and then tried to get many of my chores caught up. I have loads of great pictures to show you all but need to find the time to get myself organized. So be patient. I believe that good things come to those who wait........... In the meantime I hope everyone is enjoying summer in Canada. Take Care!
G'day eh!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

River Murray Adventure

Hi Gang! This was the most relaxing trip I have ever enjoyed. Going up the River Murray on a house boat with 8 mates was a blast. We had a masterchef class where I learned how to make sticky date pudding with caramel sauce-YUM!
I got to drive the houseboat through the area where there is a ferry crossing. It was a great new experience but the guys have suggested I not give up my day job to become a houseboat captain. A Tim Tam slam is part of every social event-well it is in Oz when I am there! Did you know that pelicans grow in trees? Well almost. So do Sulfer Crested Cockatoos. Me and my mates Shelley and Rosemary had a great time. Good food, good drink and good friends-who could ask for anything more? If you ever get a chance to go on a houseboat don't hesitate.
G'day Eh!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

It worked!

It may be winter outside but in my heart it is spring......
So I was wishing for sunshine and today it was sunny, sort of, for a little while. So I took my socks off. I had a wonderful quilt day-yes Jane I am on pic 65 of 111. Past the half way mark! I have bought some fabulous wool batting-at least I think it will be fabulous, I will let you know after I quilt it. So I have a new protege-my friend Jenn's daughter Danna is getting the quilt bug. I have started her with something simple-the chop suey quilt. Scraps, scraps and more scraps which I begged from the community quilts commitee of the SA Quilters Guild are being put to good use. Danna and I are going to make some charity quilts and then she is going to do her own quilt. Jenn was working on report cards so Danna and I were busy doing other more fun things. I made chocolate orgasm muffins-no really that is the name of them. I am reading Australian authors this year and the last book I read was by a gal named Kerry Greenwood. The heroine of her books is a baker named Corinna who bakes and solves mysteries. There are always recipes at the end of the book. This one sounded good. I think I am going to have to play with it a bit though I don't think I used enough chocolate. Perhaps I shouldn't have taken those few little bites out of the bar.LOL.

Jane I got my hands on a stack of 5 inch squares-got any ideas for a nickle quilt? Mandy and Anita how are your gardens growing? It's hard to believe that July 1 is just around the corner. I am teaching my possums "Land of the Silver Birch" and have a stash of dulse to share with them this Canada Day. OK I will also share my Ganong Chicken Bones.

Just 2 more weeks til I visit the red center. I can't wait to see the desert. So what are you all up to this summer?
G'day eh!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Winter Solstice!

BTW I almost forgot it is the shortest day of the year here in the southern hemisphere. YEAH! That must mean more daylight is coming my way soon. YES. Ok so only by 3 minutes a day but we can all use a little more sunshine in our lives.
miss you,

connect with the world

Hi y'all,
I had a problem with my mobile phone-I dropped it at yoga class and the plasma bled. It might have been the karma-it was psychedelic. Anyway the end result was the phone no longer works. I mostly like things that work. I am now back in the world of cell phones but I don't really know how to use my new phone so be patient if you text and expect a reply. On the up side of life I have handed in my RC's and am going wining and dining tonight. I am quilting tomorrow so life is good. How you going?
G'Day eh!
PS thanks Jane for your encouragement, sometimes I have a hard time focusing.LOL

Monday, June 7, 2010

To all my teacher friends.........

I too am up to my eyeballs in report cards-seems a bit strange in a way. Winter is indeed upon us here in Adelaide. Yesterday was the coldest day so far at 14.3. Brr. It's the lack of central heat and dampness that is the problem. I have actually had socks on for an entire week! As your school year comes to a close I will be envious of your long summer holiday. Think of me and raise a glass on Canada Day. I will be thinking of you all........

I have discovered a new thing. Bed socks. Warm woolies that you wear to bed if you don't have a personal foot warmer. You all know how much I LOVE wearing socks but I thought I would give this a try. I am also wearing the beautiful and warm CANADA hoodie my daughter brought me to bed. I am a vision of loveliness at bedtime. Tee hee. Almost as lovely as my flannel jamies back home that I wish I had brought with me. I often go outside at lunchtime to sit in the sun and thaw. I really must have a warm heart as I always seem to have to cold hands these days. My new leggings are working great for the bike ride to work. I feel a winter solstice party coming on soon.

OK this is NOT getting my report cards done. Thanks for helping distract me Yvonne. Congrats on your gr 5 next year too! Happy summer everyone!!!!!
G'day eh!
love and miss you,

PS Jane I can picture your new yard too! Great job on getting all the inside stuff done. Now you will be bale to enjoy the ourdoor time. BTW I will update the quilt pics as soon as I get some more done on it. Now a days I am too tired and cold from school. Besides I have that new addicition-Masterchef Australia.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Day of Winter June 1st

Hi Guys!
Well it's the first day of winter. Yes it was a lovely 18 degrees here today. Except for every building being damp and cold it's not too bad. I go outside during the day to get warm! You can always spot a gal from Middleton, particularly when she is having a bad hair day. I went to the arts and crafts guild in Middleton and bought some Feijoa Jelly as well as some Mandarin Marmalaide-I have never tasted anything like it-yummy. You will have to google feijoas-I did. learn something new every day! Since I have been basically eating my way around Oz I decided I should become a little more active. Tonight I went to a yoga class. You never know when being bendy or stretchy will come in handy...... The class was neat-the instructor had placed a candle in the middle of the room and there were red heat lamps glowing all around-nice and toasty. I was pleasantly surprised that I could get back up from my downward dog and I actually worked up a sweat doing sun salutations. Oh and did I mention that my friend Pat has got me hooked on the Australian Master Chef program so now I watch telly when I am not busy at quilting or yoga. In honour of my new homeland I also watched the Glee episode with olivia Newton John on it. Come on now we can't sight see and tour around ALL the time. I hope you are all keeping well. I miss and love you all!
G'day eh!

PS A couple of you have asked about the fish measurement station in one of the last pictures. You find them on Jetty's and they have the different fish on them and what you can keep and throw back- and yes they are measured in man inches!!!LOL

Monday, May 31, 2010

New Friends

I have prepared the classic fromage and pasta for my carb addict daughter. The girlies brought me a "fun" bubbly Shiraz from the wine tour in the Barossa valley. Jenn Cobb and I are doing the Tim Tam Slam. Look at Mia-isn't she sweet? I had left my shoes on the rocks. I am spending most of this adventure barefoot! I sat on the rocks to put my shoes back on and a new friend landed beside me and walked up close to see what I was doing. Take a close look at the roo-she has a Joey in her Pouch. I think it may be a little crowded in there. It's the beaches here that are so spectacular. There I go demanding beach again.
G'Day eh!