Foot prints

Foot prints
Come follow my adventures in OZ.......

Wines I have tried in OZ

  • Borassa Valley Estates SParkling Shiraz-a lovely red champgne styled bubbly. Don't you just love bubbly? This one was a gift from Amelia, Alicia and Carley. Great choice gals!
  • Killawarra Klassic Premium Brut
  • Jansz Tasmania Premium Non Vintage Cuvee-so far my fav white bubbly.
  • Banrock Station Good Earth Fine Wine Sparkling Shiraz-A fun bubbly red.No I will not drink it for breakfast!
  • Carrington Vintage Brut 2008 Special Cuvee-bubbly! I love bubbly, except right after creme caramel.
  • Thorn Clark Sandpipper Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon-Had this one at the Central market-not sure if was the very good company or the wine but I enjoyed them both-thanks Jo and John!
  • Fools Bay "Dirty Bliss" Grenache Shiraz - delightful solid red
  • Cleggett IIIawarra Block Shiraz 2006-Another winner!
  • Cleggett White Cabernet Sauvignon 2008-AMAZING!!! look this one up at
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Cabernet Shiraz-haven't tried this one yet -will let you know when I do
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Crisp Dry White-yes it is
  • Stanley Cabernet Merlot - my current house wine-a soft red
  • Lindemans Cawarra Cabernet Merlot 2008- a bit oaky
  • Lindemans Cawarrra Porphyry -sweet white-almost too sweet, even for moi

Tim Tam Tracker

Here are the Tim Tam's I have tried:
Original Tim Tam's
Blackforrest Tim Tam's
Caramel Tim Tam's
White Tim Tam's-my new personal favourite!
Creme Caramel-from the "sweet surender" line, OMG!
Hazelnut Mousse-from the "sweet surender" line as well. Not as good as Creme Caramel but still tasty.
Classic Dark Chocolate- yummy!
Double Chocolate Crunch-from the crush line.Nice.
Honeycomb-from the crush line. Sweet. Very.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Look a right hand drive car! Yes and I am driving it!

Hi Gang,

South Australia is known as the Festival State. What they don't tell you is that all the festivals happen at once. I have been to the fringe and the arts fest and almost made it to the sky show at Clipsal 500 but was just too tired. Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans! I have been to the Garden of Unearthly delights to hear some live music (it sucked but the atmosphere was like the bluefest in O-town). I have been to the arts center to see the Vagina Monologues-just a tad odd hearing Aussie gals speaking with Brooklyn accents. Last night I was at a beautiful old church to see more live music. This time it was a tribute to Eric Bogel. I had no idea who that was but I did recognise one old song that my father used to play about Galipoli and Waltzing Matilda. The singers were young and vibrant. Lots of guitars, fiddles and also a digery doo and some wierd drums. A lovely evening. I also had confirmed for me that I do indeed recognise the Southern Cross and the stars of Orions' Belt. See I DO know stuff!!!!!!

I also had a boat tour off Port Adelaide to see the dolphins. The battery was dead in my camera so I got to be the spotter. I managed to spot 19 dolphins and yes I do believe they were all different dolphins. They are such beautiful creatures- it will not be a hardship to return for another tour. I promise I will get pictures then.

So what do you think of my little Lanos? Makes me think of my buddy Mike-you are right Mike this travelling thing is a great gig. Relax folks I hardley ever get mixed up and drive down the wrong side of the road.(even with my bike) It is crossing the road that almost does me in. Anyway for some reason my car has the turn indicator in the correct place so I don't turn the whiper blades on by mistake. Imagine that! Dark green cars don't stay clean very long and the city has water restrictions so yesterday I learned how to use the DIY car wash. What a hoot-or so the guy behind me thought. I had water and foam EVERYWHERE, some was even on the car! Kinda reminded me of using my snowblower...but that is another story for another continent. So you see friends I am pushing myself outside of my box. I am trying new things.

The beautiful picture of the lovely vista above is Kangaroo Island. KI is an AMAZING place. The top picture is of me at a Eucalyptis distillery with an adopted roo named Luna. More to come in the next blog..... stay tuned and have a
G'day Eh!

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