Foot prints

Foot prints
Come follow my adventures in OZ.......

Wines I have tried in OZ

  • Borassa Valley Estates SParkling Shiraz-a lovely red champgne styled bubbly. Don't you just love bubbly? This one was a gift from Amelia, Alicia and Carley. Great choice gals!
  • Killawarra Klassic Premium Brut
  • Jansz Tasmania Premium Non Vintage Cuvee-so far my fav white bubbly.
  • Banrock Station Good Earth Fine Wine Sparkling Shiraz-A fun bubbly red.No I will not drink it for breakfast!
  • Carrington Vintage Brut 2008 Special Cuvee-bubbly! I love bubbly, except right after creme caramel.
  • Thorn Clark Sandpipper Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon-Had this one at the Central market-not sure if was the very good company or the wine but I enjoyed them both-thanks Jo and John!
  • Fools Bay "Dirty Bliss" Grenache Shiraz - delightful solid red
  • Cleggett IIIawarra Block Shiraz 2006-Another winner!
  • Cleggett White Cabernet Sauvignon 2008-AMAZING!!! look this one up at
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Cabernet Shiraz-haven't tried this one yet -will let you know when I do
  • Wolf Blass Green Label 2008 Crisp Dry White-yes it is
  • Stanley Cabernet Merlot - my current house wine-a soft red
  • Lindemans Cawarra Cabernet Merlot 2008- a bit oaky
  • Lindemans Cawarrra Porphyry -sweet white-almost too sweet, even for moi

Tim Tam Tracker

Here are the Tim Tam's I have tried:
Original Tim Tam's
Blackforrest Tim Tam's
Caramel Tim Tam's
White Tim Tam's-my new personal favourite!
Creme Caramel-from the "sweet surender" line, OMG!
Hazelnut Mousse-from the "sweet surender" line as well. Not as good as Creme Caramel but still tasty.
Classic Dark Chocolate- yummy!
Double Chocolate Crunch-from the crush line.Nice.
Honeycomb-from the crush line. Sweet. Very.

Monday, February 1, 2010


By the way Ann on the Wet coast-I bought some quince jelly to try-from what I understand it is like a citrus fruit???? I will let you know when I try it. Am I supposed to eat it with a runcible spoon?


  1. Hello dear Bern. Our silence doesn't mean we're not checking in on your amazing adventure. Thought of you yesterday afternoon as I tried on a pair of Aussie sheep skin slippers in the Richmond Centre Mall. And oh yes, only a runcible spoon will do for the quince jelly.
    Love & hugs,

  2. Bern! When you get back to Canada, will anyone except Ann understand a word you are saying?? A runcible spoon?? I'm going to look that up. I THINK I have seen Quinces (Quincii? Quincen?) But I can't have the jelly now! Looking forward to your next post! Oh, did you get the pattern I emailed?

  3. "I can't believe you have to ask this. A runcible spoon is a utensil suitable for runciation. This of course is in contrast to an irruncible spoon, which one runciates at one's peril."

    Word created by Edward Lear, in the Owl and the Pussycat. Now generally accepted as interchangeable with Spork! LOL

    You learn something new everyday. But I do like the runcible hat reference in another of Lear's poems!

    Love ya! Jane

  4. And, now that I have looked them up, I have NOT seen Quince. They look rather like pears and apparently are hard and woody. That's all the room in my head for learning things today! J
